The Horse Experience was nominated SCORE’s Small Business of the month of January 2025. Please check out the brief article that will give you insight on The Horse Experience and the services we offer. Click on the link below or copy and paste into your browser. https://conta.cc/4gGLVCL
Mission + Vision
We understand interacting with a horse can be a beautiful but intimidating experience. Our mission is to provide a safe physical and emotional environment for individuals and horses to comfortably connect and interact. Here at The Horse Experience we are dedicated to providing you with a unforgettable experience unique to you. Your first interactions with our horses will focus on building a connection and learning to confidently communicate with them. As you grow in confidence our lessons naturally progress with you, giving you the necessary horsemanship knowledge and skills to move onto our riding lessons. The Horse Experience vision goes beyond the extent of our lessons. Our hope is that you take away invaluable lessons that help you grow and appreciate the beauty within yourself and these magnificent animals. These experiences will be life-long memories to cherish and share with family and friends for years to come. Each of our horses have their own uniquely beautiful personality adding to your unforgettable experience. Be sure to check out our horses to find out more!
And just a friendly reminder, we are currently not doing any trail or beach rides at this time.

My Story
Michon has spent her entire life surrounded by horses. Growing up on her parents' horse breeding ranch, she developed a deep connection with these majestic animals and helped her mother in training them. She has always had a passion for teaching, especially when it comes to sharing the wonder of horses with both kids and adults. Michon finds immense joy in seeing the smiles on her students' faces as they experience the magic of being around horses. She also takes pride in watching her clients grow in self-confidence, horse-riding skills, and their ability to truly connect and communicate with the horses.
In addition to her lifelong experience with horses, Michon has a background as a Physical Therapy Assistant. This experience has taught her how to break down complex skills into manageable parts, which she uses to effectively teach horseback riding. Michon has also worked for Transitions Mental Health Association, where she learned the importance of trauma-informed care. She understands that many people carry past traumas, so she strives to create not just a physically safe environment, but an emotionally safe one as well. This approach ensures that her clients can learn and enjoy their time with horses, even if they struggle with timidness or fear, or if they’ve faced with challenges in connecting with others.
At The Horse Experience, Michon aims to provide more than just horseback riding lessons. She offers unique opportunities for clients to connect with horses, while gaining valuable insights into equine communication and bonding. To that end, she offers several activities that focus on building these connections on the ground, even before getting in the saddle.
Janet has become a dear friend and awesome assistant to The Horse Experience. She was new to horses but through volunteering with The Horse Experience, she has gain so much confidence and skills by working with the horses. She has been the go to person, when ever something needs getting done. She is a huge asset to The Horse Experience and its growth, and we are very grateful to her and the help she provides.
Barn Boy & Barn Dog
And we couldn’t do without the help and support of my husband Mark, and our sweet dog Cody. And they are always here to help with any project and they greet all the people that come to our small ranch. This place couldn’t happen without the support and help of my dear husband Mark.